Funeral Details for the Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander

One of the readers of our blog asked us for details about the funeral service for Lincoln Alexander. Thanks to the constituency office of MPP Ted Arnott and the Ontario Office of Protocol, we can share this information:
Friday, October 26, 2012 at 2:30 p.m.
Hamilton Place, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton, Ontario
There will be no admission after 2pm.
Seating is available for the public but only on a first-come, first-served basis.
Arrive early!
Entrance is through the Commonwealth Square doors.


  • Linc was a good man. I knew him from 1967. I worked with him on getting assistance for the Caribana Festival in the early years and later worked with his staff for projects at Queen’s Park. He never forgot me. I now cherish a photograph of him I had taken in his suite which is displayed in my living room. I also have a photo he took with my daughter Susan in her Caribana costume after the Carnival Parade in Hamilton. Thanks for the memories. You were a good person. Rest In Peace!

    • This just came up on my ‘alerts’. Not sure why now but I just wanted to thank you for your kind comments about our dear ‘Linc’.

      I hope you are doing ok with the recent requirements for isolation.

      Linc was such a people person, the restrictions these days would have affected him severely. He would not have liked being separated from ‘his people‘.

      Anyway I hope this note finds you and your family well.

      Thank you for taking a bnb moment.

      Mrs. Lincoln Alexander (Marni)

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